Sale of the Angelus in Chailly-en-Bière

du 24 au 27 mars
Salle de l'Angélus - 22, avenue de Fontainebleau - 77930 Chailly en Bière
Sale information

ONLINE Sale of the Angelus in Chailly-en-Bière

Closing of the biddings on Monday, March 27th from 2 pm.

Contact for information or to add your objects to the sale:

Public exhibitions on Friday March 24 :

Exhibition Hall

21 avenue de Fontainebleau

77930 Chailly-en-Bière

Responsible for the sale for any request :

François Rousset : 01 80 81 90 18

Charline Maillard : 01 80 81 90 08

Sales conditions