MORSE (Samuel Finley Breese). - Lot 112

Lot 112
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200 - 300 EUR
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Résultat : 2 600EUR
MORSE (Samuel Finley Breese). - Lot 112
MORSE (Samuel Finley Breese). Lettre autographe signée en qualité de « superintendant of Electro Magnetic Telegraphs », en anglais, adressée au secrétaire d’État du Trésor des États-Unis par intérim, McClintock Young. Washington, 1er juin 1844. Une p. 1/2 in-4, fentes aux pliures. Concernant le salaire de ses assistants dans la construction du télégraphe : « ... Mr [Alfred] Vail has been one of my most efficient assistants from the beginning, and I may say that his services are now essential to THE MAINTENANCE OF THE TELEGRAPHIC INTERCOURSE : he alone with myself being at present able to back the modus operandi, his salary, considering he has a family to support, is small, and considering duties, and responsibilities of his present situation, I would recommend for your approval that his salary be increased... »
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