Napoleon I. Manuscript largely autograph, signed at the head - Lot 54

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Napoleon I. Manuscript largely autograph, signed at the head - Lot 54
Napoleon I. Manuscript largely autograph, signed at the head, that is to say: ONE AND A HALF PAGE OF HIS HAND and a half page of that of Grand Marshal Henri Gatien Bertrand with autograph corrections of the emperor, on the front and back of a sheet in-4 English laid paper watermarked "Budgen & Wilmott. 1811". Preparatory writings for a chapter of his memoirs RECENSION OF MAJOR EVENTS THAT HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN EGYPT BETWEEN HIS DEPARTURE FOR FRANCE AND THE ASSASSINATION OF JEAN-BAPTISTE KLÉBER, his successor at the head of the army of the East (August 1798). This part was first published in 1847, according to the papers of Grand Marshal Henri-Gatien Bertrand in Guerre d'Orient. Campaigns in Egypt and Syria. 1798-1799. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Napoléon, dictés par lui-même à Sainte-Hélène (Paris, Comptoir des Imprimeurs-unis, vol. II, pp. 297-354). Here numbered "XVII", it forms chapter XVI of this edition, and the present analytical sub-caption appears on p. 297, with variants. In the complete edition of Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de France sous Napoléon Ie given in his Correspondence, it forms chapter XIII which occupies pages 116-152 of the vol. XXX, and the analytical sub-chapter appears on p. 152 (Paris, Imprimerie impériale, 1869). THREE TEXTS ILLUSTRATING THE PROCESS OF WRITING HIS MEMOIRS. The present manuscript includes three preparatory states of the narrative structure of this chapter. On the front, the emperor has recorded a summary of the facts: "Analysis. NAPOLÉON leaves Alexandria on August 24 [1799], arrives in Ajaccio on October 1 [er] and the 9 of the same month in France. The 18 brumaire means 10 November 1799. MORAND before the 22nd 7bre beats MURAD BEY, and attacks Qosseire. The 9 8bre Murad Bey is attacked by a corps commanded by DESAIX and BOYER. Meeting of Murad Bey in SEDIMAN. 24 7th member. 18 Turkish Bâtimens anchored at Damiette. At the end of October... he disembarked and seized a tower at the mouth of D
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